Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Undetected Gifts

Can you seriously take a look in the mirror and say that your happy? If the answer is no, ask yourself what are you doing to make yourself over?
Your mirror image is only a physical reflection, It does not reflect what lies beneath the surface. Before you start to breakdown your self esteem and think of all the things you HAVEN"T accomplished in your life, take a moment and think about the things you have done that go undetected to the human eye.

Remember that time when you held open the door for the person behind you when you went into the store? Well, what you didn't know was that the person had recently lost his arm movements and was unable to reach the door to open it for himself- without hesitation you did and he felt proud that he was able to walk through a door even though he was unable to open it himself.

Oh and that smile that you gave while walkin that connected you with the person walking towards you- well they just found out that their child was dying and he promised his parents that "they will see his smile everywhere they go." That SMILE from you was the confirmation they needed to know that he was now at peace.
Let's not forget that spark in your voice- you know the sound of excitement you give everytime you answer the phone? Well that enthusiasm and concern you just shared with a stranger helped them to feel good about themselves - so much, that they decided not to end their life just because of YOU!

All I'm saying is even when you feel like your noboby to anybody and you are at the lowest point of your life, you are the very reason that somebodies day is a little brighter and you have a undetective gift that seems to help everybody!

I'm just sayin......

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